Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why is tomorrow’s rally in Matara going to be historic?

Ven. Baddegama Samitha is an erudite, well respected, patriotic, anti- imperialist and one of the most principled politically active Buddhist monks in the country.  His this appeal is suffice to explain why all patriotic Sri Lankans should turn up in numbers to  pro-Mahinda rally to be held in Sanath Jayasooriya stadium in Matara tomorrow.

So no lengthy elaborations are needed to explain why tomorrow's pro-Mahinda rally is going to be historic as I did previous occasions when similar mammoth rallies were held in Nugegoda, Kandy, Ratnapura and Kurunegala.

In nutshell tomorrow's rally is going to be yet another important milestone in our struggle against the imperialism by the Christian White West and Indian expansionism.


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