The huge success scored by Muslim Fundamentalists in Sri Lanka in its propaganda campaign, unleashed following the incidents recently happened in Beruwela and Aluthgama, has stunned many a Buddhists in Sri Lanka and abroad. The deadly effectiveness of the Muslim fundamentalist' s propaganda machine was such that It has been able to portray to the world completely different picture on what happened in South-Western part of Sri Lanka. The distortion of the true picture of what happened there was such meticulously executed that within days of incidents no lesser person than Dalai Lama himself issued a statement condemning the Sri Lankan Buddhists. Repercussions of this nasty campaign continue to reverberate with the reports of FB accounts of Minister Chamapaka Ranawaka of Hela Urumaya and the General Secretary of BBS Ven. Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero being removed by its operators.
Demonizing of Buddhists in Sri Lanka has been a popular past time of many an anti-Sinhala Buddhists elements including Eelamists, powerful Christian organisations & individuals and anti-Sinhalese Buddhists Western countries. The latest to add the list has been the Muslim Fundamentalists.As was pointed out in some of my previous posts, Muslim propaganda machine in Sri Lanka is well oiled and handsomely funded as same as Ealimist's. The deadly effectiveness of it has reached to the same proportions as Eelmists. Though the harbingers and the subsequent perpetrators to the violence had in fact been the Muslim Fundamentalists, Buddhists are being incessantly vilified as being the perpetrators of 'a vicious anti-Muslim program' against "a beleaguered innocent minority".
The non-reportage in the Sinhala and other media about the continues harassment by Muslims against Buddhist monks and the Sinhalese residents in the area and inaction by the local police stations to the repeated complaints made by victimized Sinhalese have helped to legitimize the false and vicious Muslim propaganda campaign. Needless to say that the police inaction is obviously a result of the influences made by the wealthy Muslims themselves and some government politicians including a Minister representing the area.
How Ven. Ayagama Samitha Thero who was assaulted by 03 Muslim youth in Aluthgama on Poson Poya Day had continuously been subject to harassment for a long period of time was never brought to the notice of people except rare instances like one of her insightful articles by Senali Waduge. How the Muslims in the area had incessantly been making every effort to chase away the residing Buddhist monks of the temple in which Ven. Samitha Thero was residing aiming at taking over the temple and the premises for Muslims were never known to the people. (These types of tactics by Muslims are quite common in all parts of the country where Muslims live. Scores of such instances where whole Sinhalese villages being chased away are quite common especially in the Eastern Province though they are hardly reported). And also how some of the photos of the houses alleged to have been damaged by Buddhists were in fact of the houses demolished giving way to widening the roads were never reported.
Needless to say that it was a field day for anti-Sinhalese Buddhists media locally and internationally with vested interests especially those who have Christian inclination. Case in point is D.B.S.Jeyaraj and Dharisha Bastians. The wholly one-sided and exaggerated reporting by them was indeed a relentless vilification of Buddhists which has always been the case at the drop of a hat.
So Buddhists in Sri Lanka in particular and the government in general are taken for a bloody good ride by yet another deadly propaganda outfit whose ruthlessness is perhaps a few times greater than the Eelamsists. Sri Lankan Buddhist community and its Sanga are relentlessly been portrayed as a bunch of a blood thirsty rascals who are hell bent to destroy " beleaguered innocent minorities" in Sri Lanka.